
"The Trilogy"

... is a series of 3 Akka talks which I consider being "canonical" and important when trying to learn about where Akka is coming from and where it is heading in the future. The talks were delivered in across 3 continents, in the following order: Tokyo, Copenhagen and New York City.

The talks were delivered while my time at Typesafe / Lightbend's Akka Team.

1/3 (2016, Tokyo): The Zen of Akka

The silly joke of the talk

A better audio version recording is from Scala Days NYC, here:

2/3 (2017, Copenhagen): The Best is Yet to Come – State of Akka in 2017

3/3 (2018, New York): Networks and Types – The Future of Akka

Other notable talks, in reverse-chronological order





For nostalgic value – as well as showing that everyone doing public speaking "starts small" at some meetup – the following is the first public talk I delivered. So if you're starting out with public speaking, perhaps this might inspire you to give it a shot and be less intimidated about it. Hope this helps!